No Words!
So here's some crazy news.
My car has been fixed. It was a simple thing, really. A fuse needed to be replaced. That was all. Just a fuse. I've been without a car for nearly a month and all that needed to be done was replace a fuse. Less than $30 procedure. Done.
Well, I called Dad to let him know it'd been taken care of and my car was in tip-top shape. He replied, "That's great! So how about we sell your car and we give you our spare?"
"We have a car that we don't really use. It's a Mitsubishi montero, with air conditioning, a CD player, new wheels, a brand new engine... It's really great. And you're car is getting pretty old. It just seems like the right thing to do."
"Solomon has offered to drive it out to you this weekend. There are a couple of things I'll need to do before he goes, but they're minor. We figured he'd drive it out and then fly back home."
"We'll need to sell your car though. So I'll need to get some information from you about that. The mileage and everything."
So my brother in law is coming in a week, maybe two, to drop off what is very much like a brand new car. A new car! And a gigantic bonus is is that Solomon is going to be here! I've told my friends a lot about him and how cool he is because he uses words like "epoch" and "copacetic" to describe everyday events. If I had my way, not only would he come, but my sister and brother would come along too. That would be absolutely amazing. Because I've talked to everyone about them too.
So yeah. Crazy, huh?!