Thinking of Elise.

Elise is on my mind constantly. I'm praying for her all the time. I'm working on a flight to Seattle in October so I can visit family, but mostly, visit her. She's such a gorgeous little girl (on the left) and I can hardly believe what she's going through right now. I worry about her, but I know God will see her through this. I believe that. She's got far too much ahead of her.
I haven't had a lot to say lately. I know that. Things have been so busy around here. We're still getting our house settled in and with Channa-Jo (not "Shawna" like I thought it was, but pronounced the same way) moving in this week, it's going to be clutter-fest again for a while. In the meantime, I'm getting ready for school to start in exactly three weeks (August 23rd) and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have to go through that whole financial aid mess again, renew my FAFSA and hopefully, get a loan or two taken out from a local bank somewhere. It just feels overwhelming sometimes. Like it's such a big task, I'm not sure how to approach it. I know it'll all get taken care of eventually.
I did have a little adventure today. My car has been acting kind of funny for the last two days, so I called my dad about it and he suspected there was something wrong with the alternator. I don't know anything about cars, so I had to ask him to explain what the alternator does exactly. He did and so it became imperitive that I seek out mechanical help as soon as possible, because if the alternator was dead, then my car was running soley on its battery, which would only last a day or two before going dead completely.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take my car in today because I had to work, but lucky for me, George knew exactly what needed to be done. I explained to him what my Dad said and George took care of the rest. Went out, bought me a new alternator, installed it, got all messy in the process, and basically saved me from what could have been a really sucky situation later. Like my car dying in the middle of driving it! As much as I'd like to understand and be able to take care of my car, I don't. So it's really nice to know wonderful boys like George who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves, get dirty, and take care of the problem. And I'm sorry, but when those boys come to you when they're all finished, with black, oily hands, dirt smudged on their cheeks, the hottness-factor cannot be denied!
I think, maybe later, I'll post one of those lists of things I'd really like to see happen in the next year or so. You know? One of those "This is what I hope happens" kind of lists. I'm going to have to think about it though. Maybe if I get enough encouragement to do so.
I looooooove being with a man who can fix cars! I tell ya - Erik has saved my butt a few times now ;-) When we met he was covered in grease and now, 4 years later, I still love it when he's covered in grease......
Anyways, glad George was able to help you - how cool!
Still prayin' for Elise...
Talk to you soon!
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