
Last night, at Jeremy's, I stayed up all night with him and other friends until I couldn't stay awake any longer.
It was fun.
Today, I finished my fall schedule. School starts on the 23rd. I'm ready for it. If you recall, I achieved all A's last fall semester. I plan on doing that again. I liked how that felt, having never done that before.
This is what I have planned for the coming fall:
Introduction to Theology
Foundation of Western Culture
Writing for Psychology
Biblical and Theological Foundations of Benevolence (a mouthful, I know)
Global Perspectives Seminar (required to go to Cambridge)
I'm really looking forward to the Writing for Psychology class. I've always succeeded in psychology classes before and it's been a while since I've taken one. The subject seems to come naturally to me.
In other news, I miss someone. I can't say who, but I really miss them. Especially their smile. They've got one of those smiles, you know? The kind that's ridiculously contagious.
Luckily for me, God is a great comfortor. And He doesn't blame me for missing them. Because He would miss them too.
i miss you too carly....
I know you do!
austin is silly.
I miss you too, bish!!!
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