I was at Starbucks last night until 1:55 in the morning. That's right. It was after 2:00am by the time I got home. Why? Because I was part of the crew helping set up for "Fall Phase 2", putting decorations in place and getting rid of a lot was there before. But being there until very late isn't the part I'm really complaining about..

Sometime last night, while putting things away and working on signage, I lost half my thumb ring. It's a ring that separates into two parts and one of those parts has gone missing! I have had this ring for years. And I've rarely ever taken it off. It's never fallen off either! It's always just stayed on my right thumb and I never thought I'd lose it. Ever! I love this ring. It's the only piece of jewelry I wear, besides my "Pray for Elise" bracelet and a hair tie. I used to have another ring, but it was purple and plastic and it wore out... But the silver thumb ring could last forever!

I don't know what to do.

I fear it may be lost... forever...

Sometime last night, while putting things away and working on signage, I lost half my thumb ring. It's a ring that separates into two parts and one of those parts has gone missing! I have had this ring for years. And I've rarely ever taken it off. It's never fallen off either! It's always just stayed on my right thumb and I never thought I'd lose it. Ever! I love this ring. It's the only piece of jewelry I wear, besides my "Pray for Elise" bracelet and a hair tie. I used to have another ring, but it was purple and plastic and it wore out... But the silver thumb ring could last forever!

I don't know what to do.

I fear it may be lost... forever...
NO!!!!!! I love that ring! If you haven't found it by the time I get there we will look and look until we can look no more, until we find your ring! it will be the scavenger hunt of the weekend! I promise!
I'm so sorry girl.... that just sucks!! Any hope of finding it? Or is it really gone....
the siren has taken her dues.
Seek not, for from the black hole of third place coffee culture nothing returns as one expects it to. Only as one unexpects is to.
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