Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Day of School!

I've finished my first half of classes. I've already decided to drop my Writing for Psychology class. It's not what I expected at all and fully intended for psychology majors only. It was more of a writing for research type of class than anything else, and I've done that before. It's not that fun.

So I just spent the last hour trying to find a class to replace it with. I have to replace it or else I won't be considered a full time student. I could only find one class of any interest that filled that same time slot. It's a bible course on I & II Corinthians and I'm really interested in it. Those are two of the greatest books Paul wrote and if you recall, during last fall semester, I did my entire New Testament research paper on the city of Corinth. I'd love to further educate myself about the ancient city. That might sound dorky, but I'm kind of dorky in that sense.

Anyway. I'm really happy that school is back in session. It makes me motivated to live my life and live it full.

In other news, my mom sent me bracelets that have the words "Pray for Elise, Psalm 30:2" written on them. They're a lot like the Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bracelets, only they're blue. My mom sent me several, so my friends are wearing them too. George, Christy-Anne and Jeremy are all wearing theirs. I feel blessed by them.

So yeah... That's what's been going on. As a sidenote, though... Do you ever wonder about whether something is truly over? You think it's over, but then something just tells you it's not? Either you feel it in your head or in your heart or God whispers it to you in some way? I'm certain it's not over, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

Time for French! Later!


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