Saturday, July 22, 2006

Homesick... Again...

I've been severely homesick for the last few days. I went with Christy-Anne to see the Ocoee River on Thursday night, even though it was too dark to even make it out, and it was nice to talk to her about some things. Like being homesick and missing the familiarity of Seattle and everyone there. She had a hard time understanding where I was coming from when I expressed my longing to her a few months ago and she challenged me, saying I could be just as much myself here as I could back in Seattle if I just allowed myself. But over time, she'd thought about this more and realized how growing up here and knowing most, if not all, of the area's hidden corners, she told me she never thought about how much this place makes up who she is. And it was then that she gave me credit for trying as hard as I have to embrace where I am, because she couldn't imagine how difficult it must be to ache for something that you know. And most of the time, I feel like I don't know anything. It's this constant feeling of out-of-place-ness and it can get exhausting.

Anyway. I'm working on flying home in October. In the meantime, I'm getting things ready for the fall. I have to renew my FAFSA but I have to do it online and I need my dad to help me with it, which means I'll have to wait until next week, because that's when the house is getting hooked up with cable and Internet. Finally.

Okay, that's all.


Blogger Michelle said...

I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole uprooted to another part of the country thing... sometimes it's so hard. It's so good though, to have good friends to discuss it with.

11:28 AM  
Blogger George Chaney said...

It is very hard to be yourself in a new enviroment. I had somewhat of the ssame problem when I first moved here. But with me I think that it was easier because I was not just thrown in to the craziness that is cleveland. I was brought into it gradualy through the mission. all i know is that I think that you are great just the way you are and that if I would met the seattle Carly and the Carly I know today I would know that she is the same person and that I would love her just the way she is no matter if she thought that she was different or if she was from somewhere else. You are beautiful and amazing no matter where you are or are from.


P.S. it is not a bad thing to miss home or to long to be there just know that no matter where you go in life that you will always have that hoome to go back to and that you will have those people there to support you and to love you. YOU ARE LOVED BY THE PEOLPE THAT ARE IN SEATTLE AND YOUR FRIENDS BACK HOME!!! Know this and be loved!!!!

4:33 PM  

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