Fun, So Fun!

Have I mentioned how happy I am that this is the girl I'm going to move in with this summer? Okay, well, I am so, so, so happy that this is the girl I'm going to move in with this summer! She is so amazing! I can't even describe to you how amazing she is. And I have footage of her amazingness now. Once I've figured out how to edit the video, I'll post her wondrous self for all to view. Did I also mention she's hilarious? Okay, well, she is. She has brought so much joy and happiness into my life, I can't even tell you. It's almost too much.
This Thursday, our friend from work, Beth, is throwing a "tea party" of sorts for all the girls from the 'Bucks. So this morning, Christy-Anne and I got together with her and headed to the Salvation Army, as well as the Goodwill, to see if we could find any cool, vintage style dresses. Because all the girls decided it would be best if we "dressed to impress." Unfortunately, I don't own a single dress, so I had to go out and look for one. But I think I actually found one! One that would look good with a hardy pair of jeans. It needs a little altering, but Christy-Anne also has a sewing machine, so it should be fine.
Either way. It was so fun just rummaging through all these old dresses and trinkets and finding really funny things. Christy-Anne even found this old flower-power dress... It was ridiculous but beautiful and she had to get it. It was simply too good to pass up. Especially when it fit her so well.
I'll be honest--and this'll make you all happy to read--I've had about the happiest week of my Tennessee life. It's been absolutely amazing and beautiful and magical and fantastic and I couldn't be happier. I have been humbled and graced by God's undeserved blessings and rewards. I was hurting so badly only months ago, but he has healed me in such a way I cannot describe and brought incredible people into my life on top of it all!
Thank you, thank you, God. No, seriously.
Currently reading:

Hannah Hurnard
Hind's Feet on High Places

Hannah Hurnard
Hind's Feet on High Places
A new roomie! How fun!
Oh my gosh, Aims! You would LOVE Christy-Anne! She is so in tune with our natures, it's like we could all be sisters. Can't wait for you to meet her. She's amazing!
bish! this was so awesome to read. thanks. and what fun.. seriously. what fun!!!!
ah... i love thrifting. i am so tempted to go this weekend on a road trip and go thrifting somewhere other than the store i go to here in town every saturday. hmmm... you may have quite possibly inspired me. :)
and horray for friends.
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