Okay, Sea Turtle.

Last night, I dreamt of a sea turtle and he said that I was going to be okay. That all my efforts to making things right in my life, rebuilding my core and strengthening my spiritual walk with Christ, was going to see me through.
I love the sea turtle.
I've decided to move the blog here because as in almost everything else in my life, I've needed to make some changes. And the dream itself inspired the idea, so I hope you can understand that. I know that moving URL's can be a nuisance (you have to go into your templates and edit your links in case you link to this particular blog or whatever), but it was necessary.
So welcome to okay, sea turtle. Isn't that a catchy title? I like it... At least you won't have to worry about whether or not you're pronouncing "Ocoee" correctly anymore.
By the way, "Ocoee" is pronounced "oh-ko-ee", in case you never figured that one out.
I love Sea Turtles!!!! "All the sea turtles are swimming in the water lalalal turtles lalalalal turtles." A sea turtle song for salty flake the giant sea turtle.
Dude! George! I have to tell you something next time I see you! Sometime tomorrow! When I see you to give you that thing! YES!
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